Read the text and answer the questions 1, 2,3 and 4:
A person's birthday is a special day. This is the date when the person was born. People around the world celebrate birthdays in different ways. In many countries, people celebrate with a cake. There are candles on the cake. There is one candle for each year of the person's life. People sing a song for the person. At the end of the song, the person blows out the candles. In some countries, there is often a party for a child's birthday. The child's friends come to the home. There is special food, like sweets. The children play games and sing. The friends often bring a birthday gift for the child. The gifts are wrapped in colorful paper. The gift may be a toy, a book or some clothes. In some countries, the friends don't bring gifts. The most important thing is to enjoy the day and spend time with friends. and family.
1. Fill in the gaps with the right word from the box. Find the information in the story. There are extra words which you need not use.1×5=5
Candles, eat, special, born, food, put, sings
a) A birthday is a ____ day to a person.
b) We ____ special foods on birthday.
c) They ____ candles on the cake.
d) Sweets is also special ____ for a birthday.
e) A birthday is the day when a person was____.

2. Read the following statements. Write(T) in your answer script if the statement is true. Write (F) if the statement is false. 1×6=6
a) People celebrate their birthday only with candle.
b) Ten candles are needed to celebrate a ten years old child`s birthday.
c) Children’s wear colorful dress. d) The birthday gifts are usually wrapped in colorful paper. 3. Answer the following questions in a sentence or sentences. 2×6=12 a) What is birthday? b) What type of day is a birthday? c) Write the names of three things as birthday gift? d) Why birthday is a special day? e) How do children enjoy a birthday? f) What do eight candles mean? 4. Suppose, you celebrate your birthday last week. Now, write a short composition about it. 10 Read the text and answer the questions 5,6,7 and 8. Meena and Raju live in a small house with their parents Rebeka and Kalam. Meena is Raju's elder sister. Meena reads in class 5 and Raju in class 3. They are very regular students in their school. They do good results in examination. Their teachers like them very much. They have a pet parrot named Mithu. Mithu is a good and clever bird because it copies or try to copy everything they say. When they comeback from school, the parrot becomes happy. It is like a good friend. It plays with them. Meena's father Mr. Kalam works in a factory. He works hard. Meena's mother Rebeka is a housewife. She helps her husband and her children. She cooks food and does the washing for the family. She also teaches her children at home. They all work hard. They are a happy family. 5. Fill in the gaps with the best word from the box. Find the information in the story. There are extra words which you need not use. 1×5=5 Mithu regular clean parents mother Raj u hus ban d a) Meena and Raju live with their ____. b) The name of the bird is ____. c) Mr. Kalam is Rebeka`s ____. d) A _____ student can attend all the classes. e) Rebeka washes the clothes to ____ them. e) The guest blows out the candles on birthday.

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